I'm not sure if ur taking the app still but here
Age: 13
Location: Buffalo grove, IL
Timezone: Centrol
Experience: 3 times been a gm
Why should I be a GM: Well, i should be a Gm because i like to let others have fun and like to help new comers =]
What makes me special?: uhh... i'm good at following directions i don't get easly annoyed by otehrs.
IGN: (where is the reg place?)
Character Level/Rebirths: Zero
Skills (Java, GFX, etc.): horrible
Times you can play a day: weekdays 3:00~5:00/Weekends random for 1hr/holiday untill 5:00(time maybe Vary)
Any other info: i sometimes get bored and summon monster (never crashed server b4)
Samples of your work (If you're applying for Dev/GFX)
(People applying for Dev/GFX can stop here. If you're applying for a GM, continue)
If I was chosen to be a GM I would: Thank the admin for picking me and be active.
If I was NOT chosen to be a GM I would: still play this server when i make my acc =]
If a beginner came up to you and asked for a zakum helmet, you would: ask the admin and hopfully say no because as it says for the banner if will be hard for you to get a Zakum helmet.
If you caught a hacker, you would: report to the Admin which hack he/she was using and Ban him
What kind of event would you host? i would like to host a event where any one can vote when i give them multiple amount of choice and then ask the admin.
If you caught another GM of abusing his/her powers, you would: not argue with the Admin and wait to be banned
P.S. PuDDiNG remember me from SnickerMS